email Archiving

Increase productivity - Prevent Data Loss - Legal Protection

Benefits of email Archiving with MailStore

When faced with disasters such as Hardware Failure or as with recent
Microsoft Exchange hacks many customers were able to mitigate the Hacked Servers and rely on emails Archives 

Compliance & Legal Risks 

Archive email in a central, complete, and tamper-proof manner for any given length of time, and ensure that it can be located again at a moment’s notice. By archiving all their email, companies are also protected against general legal risks.

Lower IT cost

Overloaded servers, increasing storage costs, and complex backup and restore processes place an enormous strain on IT departments and their budgets. MailStore email Archives permanently reduces these costs. It also shields against financial risks stemming from data loss or legal conflicts.

Complete email Archiving

Users can accidentally delete important emails at will, without this being noticed. This means your company loses important data every day. By archiving all email as soon as it is received or sent, you can make absolutely sure that all your company’s email is archived and available.

Increase Productivity

MailStore email Archiving offers extremely fast full-text searching for emails and all types of file attachments and eliminates the need for users mailbox having to download and hold many years of emails. A convenient add-in for Microsoft Outlook allows users to access their archive and integrates seamlessly into their usual working environment. 

email Archiving Overview  for IT decision makers 

email an important means of digital communication. It is also a comprehensive and valuable information resource for companies. Managing this resource, however, can be a challenge. Generally data sent by email are not usually stored at a separate central location, but reside in workers’ mailboxes, giving rise to fragmented data storage comprising years of knowledge and expanding on a daily basis. Preserving this knowledge over time so that it can be used efficiently by colleagues can play a crucial role in a company’s success.

email archiving should be part of a comprehensive IT strategy, the right software can reduce the burden on your IT department.
email archiving and backing up data is not the same thing. Archiving email is a long term business strategy and yes Archives are backed up!

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What are the Challenges for email Archiving
Most companies have deployed excellent on-premise email servers for email communication, in recent years may companies have adopted the use of Cloud Service such Microsoft Office 365. But these systems were never designed to store and provide large amounts of data over long periods of time, and this can give rise to technical, legal and financial issues:

Depending on the country and industry, processing emails and storing this data over time so that it is permanently available can be subject to different legal and regulatory requirements. Often, industries sending and receiving large volumes of sensitive, personal data by email are subject to stricter regulations. These include the healthcare sector and the financial industry, as well as public authorities and educational institutions.

In the event of a legal dispute (e.g. where emails are being used as evidence) or where data subjects are asserting their rights under the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (right of erasure/right to access data, right to restrict processing, etc.), a company’s management or legal/compliance team must be in a position to search and retrieve data from its email systems efficiently at all times.

In order to put this communication resource to effective, productive use, users must be able to access all their emails easily and quickly at all times. Usually, only a professional email archiving solution can address this need. The self-service aspect (users can run archive searches themselves to retrieve individual emails) significantly reduces the workload on an IT department (especially the service desk), but it is not available in every archiving solution.

Due to the increase in email traffic and the tighter regulations in many markets (e.g. the GDPR in the EU and the CCPA in California), we would advise all IT decision-makers to address the issue of email archiving proactively. The option of archiving relevant emails professionally as the cornerstone of a comprehensive email management concept should be a part of every IT strategy. Without an archiving solution in place, email governance policies issued by a company’s management will be difficult, if not impossible, for the IT department to implement on its systems. Such directives could include retention policies for specific emails, centralised archiving of distributed emails (e.g. local PST files, emails that exist solely on email clients), and the ability to restore historic emails.

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How Does Email Archiving Work?
An email archive supplements an existing email system. The administrator configures which emails are to be transferred to the archive and when, and whether the emails, once archived, should be deleted from the mailboxes on the email server. Ideally, the archive will be able to manage very large volumes of data efficiently.

MailStore, also provides users with direct access to the archive. Users can browse through their emails, including file attachments, and restore this data from the archive without the assistance of IT staff, aided by a fast and powerful full-text search function. Thus, all users in the company are given a speedy and convenient means of accessing their archived emails.

Depending on your email system, for instance using Microsoft Exchange's Journal's,  emails can be archived before it user has chance to see it or delete it - ensuring ALL important emails are archived. Similarly, outgoing emails will be Archived before being sent out. Normally, users don't have access to delete from Archived emails.
Additionally Auditor and Admin access is logged ensuring traceability in case of disputes. 

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What Does That Mean for the IT Department
IT decision-makers are coming under increasing pressure due to the extremely large volumes of data. The time and resources needed to guarantee that such data remain secure, retrievable and permanently available are increasing all the time.

Email archiving can help significantly reduce this pressure:

The option of deleting emails from the server the moment they are archived helps cut storage requirements, not to mention the workload on the email server and importantly on client Computers. Computer or Notebook performance improves since your email client is not bloated with many years of emails, yet the users have almost immediate access to the archived emails.

The risk of irretrievably losing emails is minimized. Even regular backups of the email server and Cloud storage cannot eliminate this risk entirely. Naturally, its Important that archives should always be backed up as well!

Mailbox quotas become obsolete since emails can be deleted from the server the moment they are archived, meaning that the data volume on the email server and client computers can be kept at a constantly low level. It is important to note that Cloud solutions like O365 has limits for mailbox size and even Archive volume.

Archiving reduces the complexity of the backup and restore process. Keeping data volumes on the email server low means that the backup process is quicker and requires less storage – and, in case you need a disaster recovery, you’ll be able to restore your mail server from the backup volumes much faster.
Administrators can consolidate emails stored decentrally and archive simply. This helps avoid problems caused by PST files and emails being distributed across local user systems i.e. saved on users PC's which can at mercy of hardware failure, accidental deletion (or deliberate) and virus / malware.

And if you’re managing your emails via a public cloud provider or IT service provider, deploying a separate email archiving solution will give you independence. If the email service fails (or if you need to migrate after changing providers), it will be much less of a challenge for the IT team to get the system up and running again.

If the archiving tool provides a self-service search and retrieval function, your IT department will no longer have to invest time and effort in restoring emails from old backups. The average user can access his archive at will without assistance.

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Lower Storage requirements
Emails can be deleted from the email server’s mailboxes per a rule-based process once they have been archived. This allows the workload of the email server to be maintained at a consistently low level. MailStore email Archiving uses de-duplication and compression to reduce the total storage requirements to an amount 30 to 70 % less than on the email server.

Simplify Backup and Restore
By reducing the email server’s data load, it can be backed up and restored much more quickly in the event of a failure. Users can restore emails from the archive with a single mouse-click. The administrator no longer has to go through the time-consuming process of recovering them from the backup.

Why do I need MailStore email Archiving with Microsoft 365? 
Standard Microsoft 365 accounts have a 50Gb limited mailbox and if using Online Archiving, this too is limited 50Gb.
Obviously, you can upgrade storage or actually upgrade the accounts to E3 and E5 to increase the storage. 

Self-Service for End Users
A third-party email archiving solution allows end users to search through their own data quickly and efficiently and restore emails, thus taking the strain off IT staff.
IT Staff can concentrate on other more important tasks!

Independence from Microsoft
Without a third-party email archiving solution, users would be unable to access their own emails if the Microsoft Office 365 service were to fail. So, a third-party solution can help to avoid such issues and a vendor lock-in while preserving the portability of your archived emails. Neither of these are big issues but recent Chinese State sponsored Hacking was limited to on-premise Exchange Servers but...

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
50Gb limits imposed Microsoft 365 Standard would mean many users have to upgrade the to plans E3 and E5, a third-party solution can be a much more affordable proposition. For more detailed information Download the white paper of Osterman Research right now! Here

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